Monday, September 2, 2019

Simple Directions

If we are to walk this path together

And neither one be out paced

The we must be liberal with our patience

And conservative in our haste

Sunday, September 1, 2019

The Worst Thing

I Will

I am,

I can,

And so I will,

Walk this road

And climb this hill.

And when I’m done

I’ll look back,

And see the place

I started at.

And then I’ll think,

I did well,

By walking this road,

And climbing this hill.

The Mistake

Never underestimate
The positive power of a mistake
And the lessons you will learn
In the corrections you will make



Apache Rise

Into The Future

I can gaze into the future

And peer into the past

And I know that what I gaze upon

Is destined not to last

So as I leave today

And start in towards tomorrow

May my touch provide much joy

And avoid the sting of sorrow

The Shore

The Shore

I love to stick  my feet in the sand, and walk along this magic land.

The tides that rise bring renewed pleasures, searching high  for hidden treasures.

Worries and troubles fade away; Renews my heart, Renews my day.

It’s at the shore, where I will be. Join me there. Come walk with me.

The Road Together

The Road Together

If we are to share the road ahead

And neither one of us be out-paced,

Then we must be liberal with our Patience

And conservative in our Haste



The seasons are creeping -Time makes its demand - 

And no matter your stance -And no matter your stand

The race will end ~  No matter your route - 

 And it will not matter -The raise of your shout 

For to protest the aging - The passing of years 

Time does not listen - For it has no ears - 

Into The Wild

I hungered to discover what I did not know
So I ventured into the wild.
My ticket well bought, my fate well set
Its wonders set me beguiled
 So the course I drew
With wondered resolve
As the past was now reviled
As I hungered to discover
What I did not know
So I ventured into the wild